A newly released international trailer for Daniel Craig’s hotly-anticipated final outing as James Bond, No Time to Die, recaps the star’s acclaimed reign as 007. The upcoming film is Craig's fifth feature film as Bond, and comes 14 years after the actor made his debut as 007 in 2006's Casino Royale. Originally set to hit theaters back in April, No Time to Die was one of several major film releases pushed back by the coronavirus pandemic. The new film is now set to hit theaters on November 12th in the UK, and November 20th in North America.
With No Time To Die finally almost here, it’s a perfect time to look back on the Daniel Craig era of 007 – one that saw the franchise revitalized, modernized, and raised to critical peaks it hadn’t seen since its Sean Connery days. Despite Craig’s own love/hate relationship with the series and its titular character, and the more lukewarm receptions to both Quantum of Solace and Spectre, the modern Bond films have become beloved cultural staples. As a result, watching No Time to Die will no doubt be a bittersweet experience for Bond fans, as it marks Craig's last film as 007.
A new trailer for No Time to Die was posted earlier today by UIP Thailand, a partner of Paramount Pictures and Universal, and features a montage of scenes from every Craig-led Bond film, starting with Casino Royale and going all the way through No Time to Die. The trailer doesn't just focus on Craig's Bond either, but also the many villains and supporting players he's run across throughout his tenure as well. Check out the trailer below:
The trailer is a fun and stylish look back at how far Craig's 007 has come since Casino Royale, and effectively hypes up No Time to Die as the actor's final turn in the role. It's understandable that the No Time to Die marketing is placing so much focus on the film being Craig's last as Bond too, considering just how beloved his take on the character has become. Whether he likes it or not, Craig has redefined the character perhaps more powerfully than any actor since Sean Connery, and No Time to Die is shaping up to be an appropriately epic farewell for the actor.
The legacy of Craig's Bond is on the minds of most fans right now, with talks of who will take on the role after Craig remaining a constant point of discussion. Many fans feel it’s time a non-white actor took a turn as 007, and there are a number of excellent actors in the conversation who could bring something new and exciting to the decades-old role. But whatever the next generation of Bond films looks like, those involved would do well to try and find an identity for the films different from those of the Craig era. Casino Royale and Skyfall achieved critical claim in large part because of their willingness to do new things with the franchise and change up the formula, and whoever works on Bond next should adopt the same mentality. But before any of that happens, Craig's run still needs to reach its conclusion, and Bond fans still need to see if No Time to Die is, indeed, the fitting send-off that Craig's Bond so deserves.
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